
发布时间:2019-08-29 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

  [摘要]通过广泛收集产自甘肃省渭源县、漳县、岷县、宕昌县、陇西县等地党参种苗30份,测定其根长、根粗、单根重,然后K聚类分析,依据聚类结果将种苗划分为3个等级,以不同等级为处理进行田间试验,研究不同等级党参种苗与药材产量及质量的关系,为制定党参种苗质量标准提供依据。研究结果显示,一级苗出苗最快,产量最高,且显著的高于二级苗和三级苗(P<0.05);一级苗炔苷含量最高,显著高于三级苗(P<0.05);三级苗多糖含量最高,显著高于二级苗和一级苗(P<0.05)。因此从党参药材产量、质量及投入成本综合分析,党参移栽应选择根长>15.6 cm,根粗>2.7 mm,单根重>0.56 g的种苗为宜。
  [Abstract]The study is aimed to research the relationship between the seedling grade ofCodonopsis pilosula and yield and quality of medicinal materials, so as to provide basis for establishing seedling standard. Thirty seedlings ofC. pilosula were collected from the main production areas in Gansu province, such as Weiyuan, Minxian, Zhangxian, Dangchang and Longxi, root length and diameter and weight of all the samples were measured. According to the clustering results, seedlings were divided into 3 levels, and field experiments were conducted with three levels seedling, yield and quality were tested in laboratory. Results have showed that emergence of grades 1 was faster than that of grades 2 and 3. Yield of grades 1 was significantly higher than that of grades 2 and 3 (P<0.05). Propargyl glycoside content of grades 1 was the highest, and significantly higher than that of grades 3. Polysaccharide content of grades 3 was the highest and significantly higher than that of grades 1 and 2 (P<0.05). So considering yield, quality and investment cost of C. pilosula, planting seedlings ofC. pilosula should select that root length>15.6 cm, root diameter>2.7 mm, root weight>0.56 g.
  [Key words]Codonopsis pilosula; seedling grade; yield; propargyl glycoside; polysaccharide
  党参Codonopsis pilosula(Franch.)Nannf.为桔梗科党参属多年生草质藤本植物,以其色白、形直、质细、肉实和药效稳定者为佳。具有补中益气,健脾益肺的功效[1]。近年来,关于党参研究主要集中在栽培技术[2]、品种选育[3]、不同产区质量比较[4-7]、药材贮藏加工[8-11]等方面。党参除应用于医药卫生外,更被广泛应用于保健、药膳等领域[12],需求量逐年增加。因此规范党参种苗市场,制定党参种苗质量标准迫在眉睫。鉴于此,本研究以国家基本药物所需中药材种子种苗繁育基地建设为契机,通过不同产区党参种苗质量指标(根长、根粗、单根重等)测定—K聚类分级—田间试验,对不同等级种苗所产药材产量及构成因素、药效成分等做定量比较分析,为制定党参种苗质量标准奠定基础,也对规范党参种苗市场提供参考。
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 试验样品
  试验材料为不同产地党参C.pilosula(渭党2号)种苗30份,分别来自甘肃省临洮县(2份)、渭源县(11份)、宕昌县(1份)、漳县(9份)、岷县(4份)、陇西县(3份)等地,每份5 kg。
  1.2 仪器与试剂
  1.3 种苗分级

相关热词搜索:党参 种苗 药材 产量 等级

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