
发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

  摘 要:盧梭以其鞭辟入里的洞见和省察,为现代政治哲学的理智思考留下了丰厚的学术遗产,现代政治制度的发展历程也离不开其奠基性与开创性的思考。但作为哲人的卢梭,单一理路的思考并不能完全呈现其复杂思想的多重面向,因此把卢梭对于身体以及体育教育的思考带回体育哲学的思考之中,重新思索对于身体的关注在卢梭整个学术思想脉络中的恰切位置,显得必要而迫切。依据文本的分析,提出了对于卢梭体育思想的解释闭环:第一,科学与艺术的发展,个体在遵循着抽象意见的同时,不仅败坏了人们的审美趣味,也损毁了人的气力、削弱了人的勇气。第二,面对这种败坏,爱弥儿似的自然教育无疑为培植强健身体、抵御民情败坏提供了可能。第三,卢梭把自然教育放在教育历程的基础性位置,并不仅仅是在强调培育强健身体之于个体发展的重要性,而是意欲强调个体灵魂与意志力的孱弱,无法承受现代社会所带来的偶然与变动,自然教育的深层目的在于培养人的克制与坚韧,从而能够抵御舆论风尚和习俗的败坏,重归社会,从而使一种德性的生活成为可能。
  关 键 词:体育哲学;身体;体育教育;卢梭
  中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2018)02-0001-08
  The twisted body and natural sports
  ——The overall orientation of Rousseau’s physical education view
  WU Yong-jin,LU Xiao-cong
  (School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
  Abstract: Based on his penetrating insight and observation, Rousseau left a great academic legacy for the rational thinking of modern political philosophy, and the course of development of modern political systems cannot be carried out without his foundation-laying and ground-breaking thinking. However, as a philosopher, Rousseau’s undiversified rational thinking cannot completely present the multiple orientations of his complex thoughts, therefore, it seems to be necessary and urgent to bring Rousseau’s thinking about the body and physical education back to the thinking of sports philosophy, and to rethink the appropriate position of attention paid to the body in Rousseau’s entire academic thoughts. Based on their analysis, the authors put forward the following closed loops for explaining Rousseau’s physical education thoughts: firstly, in the development of science and art, individuals not only corrupted people’s aesthetic taste, but also undermined people’s strength and weakened people’s courage; secondly, facing such a sort of corruption, undoubtedly Emil like natural education provides a possibility for cultivating a strong body and resisting mores corruption; thirdly, Rousseau placed natural education at a foundational position in the course of education, which is not just to emphasize the importance of cultivating a strong body to individual development, but intended to emphasize the frailty of individual soul and willpower, and their inability to bear uncertainties and changes brought by modern society; the deep purpose of natural education is to cultivate people’s restraint and toughness, so that they can resist the corruption of public opinion atmosphere and customs, return to society, thus make a virtuous life become possible.

相关热词搜索:扭曲 身体 自然 体育

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