天河客运站班次查询 广州天河北中考化学培训班到哪好/荔湾陈家祠小学小升初数学补课班联系电话

发布时间:2018-10-26 来源: 历史回眸 点击:



伴随着2015年假期的来临,精锐教育中小学辅导假期班开课了! 摆脱枯燥乏味的教学氛围、死记硬背的学习模式,我们运用新颖的教学理念、个性化的辅导来培养学生的学习兴趣,在轻松之中牢牢掌握知识。经验丰富的老师给您的孩子传授实用的解题技巧,引导学生掌握正确的学习方法。通过假期的教学活动,使学生才智得到增长,特长得到发展,知识得到巩固、系统和丰富,学习获得快乐。
免费课程咨询热线:400 006 6911 转分机 58201
辅导课目: 英语 物理 化学 语文 数学 作文 历史 地理 政治 生物 艺术类
辅导对象:小学一至六年级 初中 高中 小升初 中考 艺考生
辅导时间:周六日 工作日 寒暑假
校区分布: 详情请拨打我们免费课程咨询电话了解,更多师资、费用信息专业老师为您解答



  三. 特殊句式:

  (1).suggest, advise, recommend, propose, order, command, request, require, demand + that –clause (should do/do )

  He suggested that we (should) save money for the future.(insist的判断)

  (2) It is suggested/advised/ordered/requested/required that –clause(should do/do)(主语从句)

  (3) My advice/suggestion/request/requirement is that-clause (should do /do) (表语从句)

  His suggestion/advice/request/requirement that –clause(should do/do ) is.. (同位语从句)

  (4) It is natural/necessary/strange that-clause (should do/do)表惊奇、怀疑、惋惜、不满、理应如此等。

  It’s strange that he should have missed the train. (表竟然)

  It is important that we should learn from others.(表理应如此)

  It is a pity that he should not go with us.(表惊讶、不满)

  (5)wish + that clause (did/were 与现在相反)

  wish + that clause (would/could/might + do与将来相反)

  wish + that clause ( had done 与过去相反)

  I wish I could go with them tomorrow.

  I wish I had never met him.

  (6) It is (high/about) time + clause (did, should do )

  It is (high/about) time we went home.

  (7) would rather + clause (did 与现在或将来相反);(had done 与过去相反)

  I would rather you came tomorrow. I would rather you hadn’t told her the news.

  (8) If only + clause ( did/were与现在相反) ((would/could/might + do与将来相反)

  ( had done 与过去相反) “要是。。。就好了“

  If only he would come tomorrow! If only I had taken her advice!

  If only I were ten years younger!

  (9) as if + clause (did/were 与现在相反) (would/could/might + do与将来相反)

  ( had done 与过去相反)

  She treats Kate as if she were her own daughter.

  They talked as if they had been friends for years.

  (10) would like/was/were to have done something

  I would like to have attended the party, but one of my friends came to see me.

  (11) without/but for + n.= if it were not for +n./if it hadn’t been for + n. (otherwise后从句同)

  I would not have passed the exam without your help.(=if it hadn’t been for your help)

相关热词搜索:广州天河北中考化学培训班到哪好 荔湾陈家祠小学小升初数学补课班联系电话 广州市荔湾区陈家祠 小升初补课班宣传语

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