
发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 历史回眸 点击:

  [摘要]基于ITS2 条形码对药用植物羌活种子进行分子鉴定,以确保基原正确。该研究对药用植物羌活种子进行形态特征比较,每份样品进行3次随机取样,对每次取样的单粒种子提取基因组DNA,PCR扩增,双向测序并拼接获得ITS2序列。通过遗传距离法、建树法,并结合中药材DNA条形码鉴定系统()进行基原鉴定。结果显示,羌活与宽叶羌活种子形态特征相似,难以明显区分。经分子鉴定,27份种子样品有24份样品为2010年版《中国药典》规定的羌活正品基原种子,包括13份羌活种子,11份宽叶羌活种子,另外3份样品不属于羌活基原植物种子。研究证明,DNA条形码技术可以准确鉴别羌活种子基原,为中药材种质资源鉴定提供了新方法,对中药材种子质量标准的建立提供依据。
  [关键词]中药材种子;羌活;ITS2; 分子鉴定
  [Abstract]In order to guarantee the species correction of Notopterygium seeds, a molecular identification method with ITS2 as DNA barcode has been verified. In this study, 27 samples of Notopterygium seeds were collected from the main producing area of Notopterygium. The morphological characteristics of the Notopterygium seeds were firstly surveyed. Then the DNA extraction, PCR amplification, DNA sequencing and DNA assembly were carried out. The species identification for a Notopterygium seed was implemented through distance method, NJ-tree method and the DNA barcoding system for traditional Chinese medicine (). The results showed that the seeds of N. incisum and N. franchetii had similar morphological characteristics and were difficult to distinguish clearly based on morphological descriptions. With the results of molecular identification, 24 samples were genuine including 13 N. incisum seeds samples and 11 N. franchetii genuine seeds samples. In conclusion, DNA barcode technology can accurately and efficiently identify the species of Notopterygium seeds. Furthermore, this study will provide a new method for germplasm resources identification of medicinal materials and supplies some guidelines for establishing Chinese herbal seeds and seedlings quality standards.
  [Key words]Chinese herbal seeds; Notopterygium; ITS2; molecular identification
  中药材羌活为伞形科植物羌活Notopterygium incisum Ting ex H.T.Chang或宽叶羌活N. franchetii H.de Boiss.的干燥根茎和根[1],为传统中药成方药材,用药需求量大。羌活植物生长周期长,受高海拔生长环境和自身发育特性的影响,羌活种子成熟度不够,发芽率较低,使羌活资源更替困难,加上过度采挖,野生羌活资源日益减少[2]。羌活被列入国家重点保护野生药材物种名录,为42种国家重点保护的野生动植物药材品种之一。规模化人工种植繁育是解决羌活资源危机的主要途径,有关羌活种质特性和发芽率的研究报道不断增多且取得一定成效[3-5],这对中药材羌活资源库的恢复重建有重要意义。本研究基于DNA条形码技术对羌活种子样品鉴定,以保证中药材羌活种子基原真实准确,将极大促进羌活种质资源的保护开发。

相关热词搜索:羌活 条形码 鉴定 种子 药用植物

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