
发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:

  [摘要] 目的 分析小脑梗死临床及影像学表现特征。方法 回顾性分析该院2015年1月—2016年12月临床确诊的32例小脑梗死病例的临床及影像学资料。所有患者均行多排螺旋CT及1.5T MRI检查,MRI包括常规T1WI、T2WI、FLAIR及DWI序列,22例有MRA资料,13例有CTA资料。结果 临床表现主要为眩晕及小脑共济失调等。梗死病灶位于左侧8例,右侧12例,单纯小脑蚓部2例,两侧小脑10例。病程中呈出血性脑梗死1例,伴脑干梗死9例,枕叶梗死7例。首次CT阴性23例,MRIT2WI、FLAIR尤其是DWI序列显示病灶最佳。结论 小脑梗死多以眩晕及小脑共济失调为表现但并不特异,MRI可清晰显示小脑梗死,为诊断小脑梗死最佳的影像学成像选择。
  [关键词] 小脑;梗死;眩晕;磁共振成像;诊断
  [中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)01(c)-0175-05
  [Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze the clinical and imaging features of cerebellar infarction. Methods From January 2015 to December 2016 in this hospital, 32 patients with cerebellar infarction confirmed clinically were eolled, the clinical and images data were analyzed retrospectively. All patients underwent multi-slice spiral CT and 1.5T MRI examinations, MRI included routine T1WI, T2WI, FLAIR and DWI sequences. 22 cases had MRA data, and 13 cases had CTA data. Results The main clinical manifestations were vertigo and cerebellar ataxia. The lesions located in the left side in 8 cases, located in the right side in 12 cases, merely cerebellar vermis involved in 2 cases, bilateral cerebellar hemisphere involved in 10 cases. There was one case of hemorrhagic cerebral infarction in the course of disease, 9 cases were accompanied by brain stem infarction, 7 cases were accompanied with occipital infarction. The first CT was negative in 23 cases. MRIT2WI and FLAIR, especially DWI sequence, showed the lesion best. Conclusion Cerebellar infarction is mostly with vertigo and cerebellar ataxia and which is very heterogeneous. MRI can clearly show cerebellar infarction, so it is the best imaging modality of choice for diagnosing cerebellar infarction.
  [Key words] Cerebellum; Infarction; Vertigo; Magnetic resonance imaging; Diagnosis
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料
  方便选取的32例小脑梗死患者,男20例,女12例,年龄36~83岁,平均(64.18±2.17)岁。纳入标准:入选病例均为发病7 d以内由MRI证实为小脑首发梗死病变,符合中国脑血管疾病分类2015诊断标准[3]。排除标准:颅脑外伤史、小脑感染、CO中毒、可逆性后脑综合征、脱髓鞘病变、各种先天或后天性脑病、小脑良恶性肿瘤、小脑手术史、严重心肝肾疾病及自身免疫性疾病、不愿配合MRI检查或有检查禁忌及伪影较大者、患者及其家人拒绝公开相关资料者。所有诊治均获得该院医学伦理学委员会许可及患者本人或其监护人的知情同意。
  1.2 影像学检查及评价方法
  所有患者均行多排螺旋CT及1.5T MRI检查,MRI包括常规T1WI、T2WI、FLAIR及DWI(Diffusion Weighted Imaging)序列,22例有MRA资料,13例有CTA资料。影像学重点观察小脑病灶的具体位置、形态大小、密度或信号表现特征、血管有无变异及狭窄,颅脑伴发病变等。

相关热词搜索:梗死 小脑 临床 影像 分析

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