
发布时间:2020-08-09 来源: 民主生活会 点击:

 攀登无极限 探险特别节目 攀岩运动出现至今的 150 多年来 In the 150 or so years since the sport began, 攀登者们时刻都在挑战新的极限 climbers have been highly innovative at putting up bold new lines. 如今英国的悬崖峭壁早已被完全征朋 Today, Britain"s great crags have been thoroughly explored 布满划定的攀登路线 and all littered with climbing routes. 本片将跟随苏格兰最优秀的两位攀岩者 This film follows two of Scotland"s best rock athletes, 去探索一种全新的先锋攀岩 when they take that search for first ascents in a new direction. 我们将跟随他们从黑暗一寸寸迈向光明 We join them as they inch their way from darkness into light. 这就是攀登无极限 This is Climbing...No Limits! 这里是峰区国家公园 This is the Peak District - 位于英格兰腹地 the centre of England 是现代登山运动的心脏 and the heart of its modern climbing scene. 这里有着众多的洞穴体系 It"s home to numerous cave systems. 其中最著名的莫过于山顶洞 One of the most famous is Peak Cavern. 现在游客就能来此参观 Today, tourists can explore it, 遵循曾工作生活于此的人们的脚步 along with the lives of the people who once lived and worked here. 但对攀登者来说

 它别有吸引力 But it has another attraction for climbers - 有一种令人惊奇的新运动潜伏于此 a potentially stunning new sport route

 它能带你进入洞穴深处 that starts at the back of the cave entrance 直面陡峭的洞穴石壁 and finishes with a sheer rock wall. 无数攀登者都曾想一探究竟

 Many sport climbers have wanted to explore here, 但从未获得过批准

 直到现在 but no-one has ever got permission...until now. 但有些讽刺的是 And there"s an irony. 纯粹出于运气

 最先获得机会的攀登者 By pure good luck, it"s not the local experts, 并非来自本地

 是两个路过的苏格兰人 but two visiting Scots on a mission who will get the first chance here. 这是峰区国家公园中最大的 This is the biggest unclimbed lump of rock 未曾被攀登过的巨石 in the whole of the Peak District. 它是英国最奇特的石灰岩洞穴之一 It really is one of Britain"s most phenomenal limestone caves, 甚至上周我还未曾听说过它 and I didn"t know it existed before this week. 曾经有一小群高超的制绳者 For 400 years, a small community of highly skilled rope-makers 在这大洞穴♥口♥里生活了 400 年 lived in the huge entrance to this cavern. 作为众所周知的峰区七大奇观之一 Known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Peak, 它被称作"恶魔的肛♥门♥" it was originally called the Devil"s Arse, 洞里的村庄从未见过阳光 and the village within it was one that never saw the sun. 这是英国最大的洞穴入口 It"s the largest cave entrance in Britain. 攀登者趋之若鹜之地 A potential Mecca for climbers. 记得当年我第一次来到峰区时 I remember my first trip to the Peak District


 因为我们即将 and just being so excited because we were going to

 步入攀岩世界的中心 the centre of the climbing universe, you know? 戴夫·麦克劳德 这里有无数的攀登路线和攀登者 There are so many routes and so many climbers, 还有这样的鬼斧神工的峭壁

 and so this particular cliff stands out massively. 戴夫·麦克劳德是世界上最出色的攀登者之一 Dave MacLeod is one of the world"s great climbers 2010 年中

 五次成功攀登五座岛屿 他不断挑战极限

 成就了一系列 someone who has consistently pushed the limits 里程碑式的危险先锋攀登 with a series of landmark and often dangerous first ascents. 我爬过赫布里底群岛中巨大的海崖 Having climbed in the big sea cliffs in the Hebrides 并于冬夏两季征朋了苏格兰高地的山崖 and the mountain cliffs of the Highlands in summer and winter ice,

 可以攀登的地方很多 there"s, like, so many places it takes you to. 我认为攀岩运动与众不同 I don"t think there"s many sports that are like that. 一般运动通常只要在同一个地方 You normally do a sport in one place, 因此得到的体验也一成不变 so the experience of doing it stays kind of the same. 但攀登需要你到不同的地方去 But, in climbing, you go to all sorts of different places 我认为这是它最独特的地方 and I think that"s what"s special about it. 同戴夫一起挑战英格兰巨石的是埃兰·卡西迪 Joining Dave in this foray onto English rock is Alan Cassidy. 他曾是英国国家队成员 He"s been a member of the British team, 在全英攀岩大赛中获得过季军 came third in the UK"s lead climbing competition 此外

 在过去十三年里 and in the last 13 years

 他还完成了苏格兰和英格兰地区 has done over 200 of the hardest sports climbing routes

 最难的二百条攀登路线 in both Scotland and England. 作为谋生手段

 他在格拉斯哥 Alan also needs to earn a living 一家新建的攀岩学校中工作 and works at the new Climbing Academy in Glasgow. 从小到大


 Climbing is pretty much the be all and end all of my life 埃兰·卡西迪 攀登几乎是我生命的全部 and it has been since a very young age. 这是我与父亲的共同爱好 I think it was a shared passion with my father as well. 他带我入门

 留下了许多的美好回忆 He introduced me to it. It has a lot of happy memories. 随着我的成长

 我始终忘不了 As I was growing up, I was always aware of him going away, 他每逢周末与朊友一起去攀岩的情形 disappearing at weekends with his friend to go climbing. 他第一次带我去的那天我非常高兴 It was really exciting on the first day that I got taken out

 我妈妈还给我照相留念 to do that with him, and my mum has a photograph of me 我肩上扛着绳子

 笑得非常开心 with the rope round my shoulder with a big beaming face. 我第一次像父亲一样去攀岩 You know, the first chance to do my dad did, 他在我心中一直都是个英雄 so he was always like the hero. 攀岩运动并不轻松 It"s an obscure thing to do, climbing rocks, 但它能奇迹般地牢牢吸引你的生活 but it"s amazing how it can take hold of your life. 追随着这个信仰

 戴夫和埃兰一路向南 With that in mind, Dave and Alan are heading south 奔向攀登者的终极奖杯

 挑战新路线 for that ultimate climbers prize - new routes. 苏格兰 他们只有一周时间 They"ve got just one week 哈德良长城 计划的终点为德比郡山顶洞 and plan to end it in Peak Cavern in Derbyshire. 约克郡山谷 但在南下的路上 But, on the way south, 有一个他们不能错过的地方 there"s an opportunity they just can"t miss,

 山顶洞 英格兰 因此他们将在约克郡山谷稍作停留 so they"ll be making a stop in the Yorkshire Dales. 为什么是约克郡

 答案很简单 And why Yorkshire? The answer"s simple. 作为英国最大的郡 England"s largest county contains 这里有着全国最令人兴奋的众多洞穴 some of Britain"s most exciting cave systems. 最受当地人喜爱的就是叮当壶穴 One of the local favourites is Jingling Pot. 从来没有人在这里攀爬过 No-one"s ever climbed here before. 戴夫和埃兰准备打破这一纪录 Dave and Alan plan to change that. 但是地下的情况高深莫测 But, life underground is unfamiliar

 令人毛骨悚然 and the territory, intimidating. 人们热爱攀登的重要原因之一就是去感受 One big reason why climbers go climbing is to feel the space 群山环绕的辽阔感觉 of the mountains around you,

 因此置身于阴暗潮湿的狭隘洞穴中 so being in a really enclosed, wet, dark space 并非什么吸引人的差事 in a cave isn"t always such an attractive thing. 我想许多人都认为我疯了 I think a lot of people think I"m absolutely mental, 因为大多数攀登者不会愿意 cos it"s not really the sort of thing that most climbers get up to, 深入洞坑探索攀岩线路 going down potholes to put up routes. 我的许多岩友都认为这个行为很疯狂 So, I think, most of my climbing friends thought it was really crazy, 我自己也觉得这挺疯狂的 and I think I thought it was pretty crazy as well. 我也说不清 So, I don"t know. 在接下来的几天里

 During the next few days, 两人将要学着适应陌生的新环境 the climbers will have to learn to adapt to a strange new world. 人们认为攀岩是危险的 People think climbing"s dangerous, 但攀登者看到探洞穴者会想 but climbers look at what potholers do and think,


 他们才是疯子" "No, they are nutters." 英格尔顿村北几英里外 A few miles north of Ingleton village, 有一条小路横穿连绵的约克郡群山 there"s a short walk across the rolling Yorkshire hills 直达叮当壶穴的入口 to the entrance of Jingling Pot. 就是这里吗

  Ah, is this it here? 确实看起来很滑 Certainly looks pretty slippery. -非常潮湿


 -还很黑 - Definitely pretty damp. - And dark. - And dark! 深不见底 Woah, it goes a long way down. 看下行的摄影机拍到的

 太不可思议了 You can just see down the next shaft. It just looks amazing. 这些沟槽 There"s all these flutings 就是流水雕刻出来的 where the water"s, like, scalloped it out. 看起来很漂亮 It looks really beautiful, actually. 我想攀岩者同其他人一样 Rock climbers, I guess they appreciate as much as any folk 都会觉得这种被水或冰川 the sort of forms that rock takes from nature, 自然雕琢出的岩石非常迷人 formed by water or glaciers or whatever. 我从没见过如此景观

 真难以置信 But I"ve never seen anything like this. It"s incredible. 开始攀登之前

 埃兰和戴夫顺着一系列 To start the climb, Alan and Dave must descend down a narrow series

 被称为侧裂的狭窄通道滑到穴底 of slippery tracks and shafts known as lateral cleft. 壶穴底部与大洞穴融为一体 When they get to the bottom, they"ll be in a large cavern. 之后才能踏上通往光明的攀岩之路 Only then can they start their climb back into daylight. 他们的攀登离不开当地洞穴研究者 They can"t make this climb without the expert help 马特·伯克的专业帮助 of local caver, Matt Burke. 多年来他一直推崇洞穴攀岩项目 For years, he"s been telling climbers they should enter his world. 我想如果更多的攀登者了解地下的情况 I think that if more climbers knew what we had underground,

 他们会十分震惊的 they would be astonished. 马特·伯克 洞穴救援组织 我觉得其实有无数的洞穴 And I think, actually, there are lots and lots of caves 值得攀登 that could be climbed by climbers. 那将是个全新的世界 A real whole new world for them. 一会见


 祝你好运 See you later, Dave. Good luck! 对我来说洞穴探险不仅仅是探险 Caving, for me, provided much more of an adventure feel. 你会觉得每次进洞都像是一次考察 You feel like you"re on a mini expedition every time you go caving, 我认为洞穴探险

 特别是约克郡的深洞 so I think caving, particularly in the deep caves in Yorkshire, 比起攀岩更像是登山运动 is more akin to big mountaineering than it is to rock climbing. 这里看起来太疯狂了

 非常狭窄 This next bit just looks crazy. It"s really narrow. -得使劲挤过去

 -只有裂缝大小 - There"s a squeeze. - Crack. Yeah. 我还是不明白人们为什么喜欢洞穴探险 Still not convinced I know why people are possessed to go caving. 洞穴研究者有句俗语

 There"s a cliche that"s used by cavers very often 其他人想必也听说过 and lots of people have heard it,


 你永远不知道 which is that you never know 下一个拐角会遇见什么 what you"ll find round the next corner. 事实上

 我认为除非你体验过 And I think it"s difficult to understand that 否则是很难理解的 until you"ve experienced it, actually. 我什么都看不见 I can"t see anything at all. 只能看见这个狭窄的岩脊 It"s just this little narrow ledge. 我看不清前面的路 But I can"t really see the way ahead, yet.

 走一步看一步吧 I need to shuffle along. 等一下

 我看到了 Oh, no, hang on! I can see it now. 是个狭窄的岩洞 It"s just like quite a narrow hole. 没错 Right. 非常小 Quite small. 我们认为已探明的洞穴 We think at the moment that we"ve have found

 可能只占约克郡山谷的三分之二 maybe two thirds of the caves existed in the Yorkshire Dales, 因此这里依然很刺♥激♥ so there"s a real incentive there, 鼓励着人们继续寻找 a real driver for people to go and keep looking. -这个洞穴真不错

 -我等不及要去看看 - This chamber is just amazing. - Yeah, I can"t wait to see it. 你透过裂缝看到主洞穴了吗 Do you see through the gaps into the main chamber?


 -庞大无比 - Oh, brilliant! - And it"s huge!

 令人叹为观止 It"s really massive. 下面不会那么逼仄了 It"s a bit less claustrophobic down here. 开阔得多 It opens out quite a lot. -很好

 -这些石头真美 - Good. - The rock formations are just, like, really beautiful. 看这些钟乳石 Oh, wow, all the stalactites and things. 感觉我们已经在这里待了许久了 I feel like we"ve been down here already for absolutely ages. 像下了几英里深

 很难想象... It seems like we"ve come down miles. It"s hard to imagine that... -后面的路还有多长

 -还有很远 - We"ve still got lots more to go. - We"ve still got more to go.


 我明白 Yeah, I know, I know. 我觉得虽然这次的体验很精彩 I get the feeling that, as much as this is going to be 但我不可能不会再来了 a brilliant experience, I"m not sure I"ll take up caving. 干燥的石头还是很好的

 能够休息一下 There"s something quite nice about dry rock and just being able to 透口气再张望一番 wander about and have space. 我尽力不去想我们现在 I"m still trying not to think about the fact that

 只完成了一半的任务这一事实 this is only the first half of the adventure 而且我们还得靠自己的力气 and we actually have to get back out of this thing

 原路返回 under our own steam. -我知道

 -还不能顺着绳子往上爬 - Yeah, I know. - You can"t just climb up the rope. 我先下去了

 埃兰 Right, I"m going to head down then, Alan.



 最后一次下降 OK, good luck. Last descent. 走起

 OK, here I go. -底下空间还是比较大的

 -是吗 - Looks nice and spacious down there at the bottom. - Yeah. 这次绳降的空间大多了 Yeah, much more spacy abseil this time. 石壁上裂缝更多了 Oh, cool, more cracks heading off into the darkness 一直延伸到黑暗中 in this direction as well. 这绝对是我见过的最夸张的地方了 "It"s definitely the craziest place I"ve ever been." -我到底了

 -好的 - That"s me on the floor now. - OK. 真的好棒 It"s really cool, it"s, like,

 这里就像一间大密室 just a big flat chamber, like a big room. 真高兴我们不用再下降了

 准备往上爬 I"m glad we"re not going any further.Goning back out. 这不会是骨头吧 There"s, like, bones and things. 估计是上一个攀岩者的遗骸 From the last guy that tried to climb out! -希望不是

 -探险正式开始 - Hopefully not! - The adventure begins now. 埃兰和戴夫现在要自己铺设绳索攀岩 Alan and Dave are now at the start of their route. 周围的岩石昏暗且陌生 The rock is dark and unfamiliar. 表面也很湿滑

 这都增加了攀爬的难度 It"s also wet, which will make the climbing a lot harder. 第一段路由埃兰领头 Alan leads the first pitch. 一开局便不甚顺利 The beginning isn"t promising. 不行啊 Not good.

 是不是有什么东西 Did something just

 从你刚才固定的地方掉下来了 break off that you were holding onto there?


 我手心里还有一小片岩石 Eh, yeah, just a really thin flake that I had in my hand there. 你可真行

 早告诉你应该拉出来的 You got the first hand. Told you that should pull it. 这里真的没什么地方能插支点的 There"s actually a lot less handholds and if there were. 真扫兴

 第一个支点没成功 It"s a little bit off-putting, that first hold breaking. -你就得考虑很多因素

 -是 - It just makes you question everything, doesn"t it? - Yeah. 这里攀岩还真困难 Looks like quite a tricky wee move, here. 好的 Ok. 攀岩是项很依赖感觉的运动 "Climbing is a very sensory activity." 干得好 Well done. 你能够到下个支撑点吗 Can you reach that next splitting now? 难说 Not quite. 攀岩依靠的是手上攀爬 You"re relying on how the holds feel in your hands 以及脚下蹬踏的感觉 and under your feet, 同时还需要开阔的视野 but your also relying on

 来规划下一步路线 sight to be able to plan the next move 确保能稳稳支撑 and make sure you have the hold. 在黑暗中攀岩更是疯狂 Climbing in the dark seems preposterous. 你必须更多依赖你的各种触感 You"re going to have to rely a lot more on just that sense of touch 还要对你的保护措施以及队友有信心 and faith in your protection and that your partner is still there, 即使事实上你根本看不见他们 despite the fact that you can"t see them. 要不是这么湿

 If it wasn"t so damp, 这里其实是个很好的支点 you can hold on to pretty much anything on this. 是啊 Yeah. 我现在的境况 I"m kind of over-gripping a little bit... 令人堪忧 ..as it is. 这一小段很棘手 Ooh, I don"t like this bit. 支撑点都好小 Just have a tiny little crimpy hold here. Ooh! 那里有地方能放保护点吗 Are they incut enough that you"ll be able to pull on them properly? -我觉得我可以跳过这个点

 -好 - Well, I just feel like I could slip off them. - Yeah. 那你只能踩在一块比较小的地方了 You"re going to have to stand on something small for your foot.

 是的 Yeah. 埃兰现在正努力地寻找攀爬路径 Alan is struggling to see a way forward. 我刚刚在哪来着 Where was I before? 他需要找到正确路径一保证攀岩顺利进行 He needs to find the right sequence of moves to make progress. 而这里险峻的环境 In this alien environment, 让他很难相信自己的直觉 he finds it hard to trust his own judgment. -这比我想象的要困难很多

 -没错 - Actually more awkward than I thought it would be. - Yeah. 慢慢来 Takes time. 继续 Go on. -我要退回上一个保护点

 -好的 - I"m just going to come back down to this good hold... - OK. 重新规划一下 ..and reassess.

 埃兰需要尽快铺设一条路径 Alan needs to commit to a line soon, 走错一步就可能招致灭顶之灾 but, a wrong move could mean a fall, 而这无疑会毁掉他们这次首登 and that could jeopardise their chances of a successful first ascent. 我头灯打的影子让我很难看见 I think the shadows cast by my head torch make it hard to see 我的脚放在什么地方 where I"m placing my feet. 你左手边的那个地方能当斜面保护点吗 Is that like a sloping pinch you"ve got for your left hand? 能

 有缝隙 Yeah, it"s incut and... -要到那里去吗


 -是 - Going to go inside? Oh, good! - Yeah. 我刚刚发现右边有个足部支点 At the last second there, I spotted a foothold out to the right. 这下就好多了 It made all the difference. 很好 Great. 这还真湿啊 Aww, that one"s really wet! 虽然周围都很潮湿

 但这是尤其严重 It"s all very wet, but that one"s really wet! 那点好像在海里似的 That one"s got an ocean in it. 放心吧我扯着绳子呢 I"m watching you on the rope. 继续 Go on. -有下手的地方吗

 -正好能够到 - Is that a hold? - Just about. 最后

 埃兰终于找到一条路 At last, Alan"s successfully found a way through the problem 即将完成第一节距 and he"s nearly at the end of the first pitch. 绳子快用完了吧 You must be almost at the stance now. -就快到了


 - Yeah. I"m just below it. - Great. 我想再上一步 I"ve just got to run my feet up. 或者调整一下姿势 Or try and do it in one big flexible move. 好的

 接下来该我爬了 Yeah, it means it"s going to be my turn soon. 说实话

 刚开始爬的时候觉得希望渺茫 I have to say, I was exceptionally pessimistic when I set off, 不过其实还是蛮成功的 but that was actually really good, -没有像我想象的那么糟糕

 -太好了 - and not quite as bad as I thought it would be. - Brilliant. -这一节确实刺♥激♥


 看着不错 - Amazing pitch, actually. - Yeah! Yeah, it looks excellent. 我等不及要开始爬了 I"m quite looking forward to coming up. 说实话 To be honest, 开始我觉得可能无法领略其中乐趣 I wasn"t sure how much I was going to enjoy it. 我对寻求恐怖刺♥激♥不太感冒 I"m not the biggest fan of getting really scared, -但其实还蛮不错的

 -对 - but it was actually all right. - Yeah. 好的

 解除保护 OK, you"re off belay,

 准备好就开始吧 so taking the rope when you"re ready. 我早就摩拳擦掌了 Eager to get started. 先热热身

 暖和一下 Get some blood moving, get warm. 攀岩愉快 Well, enjoy. 这些昏暗湿滑的岩石使得 Contending with the dark and struggling with wet rock, 这段攀爬的困难程度远超埃兰的想象 this pitch was far tougher than Alan expected, 使他倍感难受 and it"s taken him well outside his comfort zone.


 刚刚大多数时候 It was completely novel. I was just gripping on for dear life 我几乎都是命悬一线

 我就在想 most of the time, thinking,


 这也太滑了 "Oh, my word, this is so slippery!" 不过确实非常有趣 "But, yeah, it was actually really good fun." 漂亮


 Nice, Dave. 我完全没想到野外攀岩 There was a whole different element to it that

 还能带来这种独特的体验 I"ve never experienced on a rock climb before. 起先我挺担心的 I was really quite worried. 没想到我 I didn"t actually think

 真的能顺利完成第一段 I was going to be able to climb that first pitch at all. -这块都没地方放脚

 -是的 - There"s not much for feet here, is there? - No, it"s... 只能靠上肢力量把身体提起来 It"s all in the arms, here. Strain your... Pull. 戴夫也到达了主保护点 Dave joins Alan at the belay. 但他知道他的艰巨任务才刚刚开始 He knows his hard work is only just beginning. 他将作为第二个节距的领攀 He will lead the long second pitch

 而且不知道绳子是否够用 and is undecided about the line. 我真的不知道该从哪条路走 I"m really unsure which way to go. 我想爬到那条宽裂缝里去 I was quite keen to go into this chimney,

 但或许我能试着 but I think maybe i"ll try and go out

 爬到那面石壁的中间去 into the middle of the wall in this scoop. 从下面看


 It looks very steep and smooth from below,

 希望能够发现 but I just hope that 几条比较好攀登的裂缝 the good fluting is going to appear at the last minute, 因为要是没有的话

 恐怕就出不去了 because if they don"t, then, it could not be possible. 所以我真的挺担心的 So, I"m really apprehensive, actually. 我等不及要 I really can"t wait to

 开始攀爬了 get started and go for it. 这里的情况好多了

 令人满意 Ah, that"s much better in your options, right enough. 膝盖用得不错

 戴夫 Nice use of the knee, Dave. 没错


  Yep, winter climbing tactics. 当你攀爬干燥的岩石时 With normal dry rock climbing, 你能感觉到什么时候你要失手摔落 you can tell when you"re getting close to falling off. 但是爬这些湿滑的石头你就得多加小心 But with this, you had to have quite a lot of reserve, 因为你的手或脚随时都可能滑脱 because if a hand or a foot were to slip it would be so sudden. 除非你手抓得非常牢 Unless you had really good handholds, 否则你根本无法多作停留 there"s no way you could stay on. 所以就算你在爬一个 Even when you were on climbing

 难度很低的岩段时 and it was quite easy to make progress, 你也得时刻小心不得出错 you really had to be aware not to make a mistake, 因为一旦脱手

 你就完了 cos if one thing just slipped a little bit, you"d be off. 我可能要掉下去了 OK. OK, I might fall off here.


 戴夫 Go on, Dave. 不赖 Nice. 干得好 Nicely done. 我得绕过来才能继续 Just had to kind of fall round and get it. 是的

 看起来难度很大 Yeah, that looked like a hard move. 好的

 继续爬 OK, moving up again. 好的

 加油 OK, go on. 通常

 对于攀岩者来说 Normally, for rock climbers, 我们会觉得爬湿岩石的感觉就像 we would think a stretch of wet rock on a climb was, like,


 我们能受得了吗" "Wet rock? We"ve got endure this?" 但我想正是因为攀岩者浑身湿透 But I think cos the climber was completely wet 而且事先也预料到了 and because you were expecting it, 所以其实挺享受的 you actually really enjoyed it. -我刚刚把手挪开支点就断了

 -是吗 - Oh, the handhold just broke just as I moved. - Really? Woah! 是不是心都跳嗓子眼里了 Did you have your heart in your mouth there? 是啊

 我差点就掉下来了 Yeah, I was almost off, there. -我要往左移一下

 -好的 - I"m going to step up and left a bit. - OK, yeah. 所以


  So, if I fall off,

 下落时间也能长点 I"m going to go a long way, 因为那个保护结可能会脱开 cos I think that knot will pull out. 好的


 OK, I"m just going to head to the right now.


 好运 OK, good luck. 我这种折返路线可能会安全些 I"ve got a run round which is kind of OK-ish. 很好 Good. 所有的户外攀岩都是分等级的 All of our normal outdoor rock climbs are given a grading. 通常你看一下 You can normally get a fairly good idea, 心里就大概能知道这个岩段是什么等级 even by looking at a climb, what grade it"s going to be, 然后决定爬不爬 and certainly by doing it.

 这些等级都是雷打不动的 They"re quite consistent, the grades. 但是要想给这种湿滑的岩段 But grading something

 排等级真不太可能 that"s wet is almost impossible. 因为必须有 I think you have to have, obviously, 可供比对的分级制度 an alternative grading system 也就是能爬还是爬不了 which is just like, possible or impossible? 要么成功要么失败 You either get up it or you can"t. -这里不错

 -你很棒 - That"s good. - Excellent. 我觉得这里肯定得往左走 I think I"m definitely have to go left here, 上面突然变陡

 而且一片空白 as it just steepens up and gets really blank above me. 是啊 Yeah. 那边肯定有突出的部分 It"s positively overhanging up there. 太棒了


 这步可不容易 OK, mate, a tricky move.


 加油 OK. Go for it. 看起来非常棘手 That looked pretty spicy. 加油 Go on! 干得好

 戴夫 Wow. Good effort, Dave. -看我的


 -加油 - Watch this here, my man. - Go on! 这个落脚点不错 Is a good foothold... -但徒手抓时坡度太大

 -是啊 - but it"s just all sloping for the hand. - Yeah. -看看这个

 -好 - Watch this here. - Yeah. -太考验技巧了

 -干得不错 - Oh! That was a sketchy one. - Well done. 这就好多了

 开心多了 That"s better. I"m much happier now. 终于重新脚踏实地了 I"m stood properly on my feet again. 戴夫的这段节距还有一半路程 Dave"s now halfway up the pitch. 他爬得非常不赖 He"s doing incredibly well, 特别是在没能事先视察路线准备好的前提下 especially as they"ve had no time to prepare and inspect this route. 他们必须一边爬一边安装保护点 As they climb, they"ve had to work out where to put the equipment 防止不慎跌落 that will protect them in case they fall. 我现在得往左转移

 因为上面的崖面 I"m going to have to go left cos the wall above me 倾斜度太大

 而且光滑得一片空白 starts to overhang and it"s just completely blank and really smooth, 我得进入那个宽裂缝

 试着爬上去 so I"m going to go into this chimney and try and climb up that. 还有很长一段路 I"ve still got quite a long way to go. 把光打到宽裂缝里去


 Gets me in the base of the chimney, Alan. 好的

 它看起来怎样 Right, OK. And how does that look? 既泥泞又湿滑 Really slimy and slippery. 想要爬上去没那么简单 So, it"s going to be, like, not too easy to actually climb, 但至少它能容得下我 but at least, you know, it is a chimney. 应该能找到几个能够卡螺栓的地方 I should be able to hopefully get some jams and things in there.

 好 Yeah. 只是得非常小心 Just going to have to be very careful. 看这里 Just watch this here. 岩石开始变绿了 The rock, now, is starting to get green, 长满了苔藓和烂泥

 我们快到顶部了 like, moss and slime cos we"re getting closer to the top now. 因此阻力不够大 So, the friction"s not nearly as good. 先前我都能站在那些倾斜着的落脚点上 Before, I could actually stand on quite sloping footholds. 还不算坏到家

 但现在越发麻烦了 Not too bad, but now it"s worse. 事实上我现在觉得顺着这些裂缝也不容易 Actually, I think the chimney"s about to get a fair bit harder. 真难搞 It"s so awkward. 我没法以想要的方式移♥动♥ I can"t move them the way I want to. 双脚悬空

 浑身的重量都压在手上 My feet aren"t on anything. I"m just jamming myself! 完全悬空了 Totally wedged in there. 如果能往上几步

 就有落脚点了 If I can get up a couple more feet, I can get a foothold. 加油 Go on!

 我的胸被卡住了 I"m just, like, chest jamming. 加油

 戴夫 Go on, Dave! 现在好点儿了 Ah, that"s a bit better! -还是悬在半空

 -现在的位置好多了 - Totally wedged in there. - I"m in a much better position now. 很好

 干得好 Nice, well done. 在裂缝中攀爬就是这样 It"s funny chimneys are like that. 上一秒还十分绝望

 紧接着就能找到落脚点 It"s really desperate one second, and then as soon as you 顿时得到解脱 get into the footholds again, you"re fine. 能松口气 The relief. 我可能离一个不错的主保护点很近了 Do you know, I think I might be close to a good belay ledge. 很好

 这一段就到这里吧 Good. That"s some pitch you"ve done. 我一转身就发现一块很大的平台 I just turned round and there"s a great big ledge behind me.

 就到这里吧 I think I"m there! 非常厉害

 干得好 Brilliant, well done! 我休息两分钟

 该你了 OK, I"ll just be two minutes and then it"ll be your turn. 这个节距很长

 相当有挑战 It"s a brilliant pitch. Really long. 最难的是前三分之一 The hard part was the first third, really, 因为那部分的岩石上 cos there was a good few spots

 虽然有一些可供安装保护点的位置 where I got protection in the rock, 但我过得并不轻松 nuts or cams, but I wasn"t really happy with it. 还有不少平台


 And there"s quite a few ledges, so if you fell off 以免不慎下滑时没有抓住平台 you"d have to be a bit careful that you didn"t catch a ledge. -这是需要注意的地方吗

 -我想是的 - Is that you at the tricky move now? - Yeah. I think so. 确实如此 That"s the one. -还算平稳


 -的确很稳 - A bit balancey, isn"t it? - Yeah, really balancey. 你只需慢慢来 You just had to take your time, 确保每一步都稳稳当当的 and then you could just make sure you were solid on every move

 这样就能一点一点往上爬 and then it was OK to make progress. 戴夫

 你这段领攀真是令我... Wow, Dave, I"m really impressed with this... -印象深刻

 -是吗 - this lead. - Yeah. -全靠脚底抹着上

 -对 - But, very smeary feet. - Yeah. 抹:一种重要脚法

 用脚掌面"抹"在岩石面上 最大限度使用岩石面上的微小起伏和粗糙性质 这次洞穴攀岩我毕生难忘 I"ll remember the experience of going down Jingling for a long time. 它似乎唤醒了我内心深处那个探险爱好者 I think it"s kind of awakened an inner-caver inside me. 并不是说我又紧接着去探索其他的洞穴 Not that I think I"m going to be rushing down any potholes 但是吧 any time soon, but,

 从陌生世界中努力寻求那一丝光明 yeah, it"s really interesting to have a light shone 真的是件很有趣的事情 upon a world I don"t really know much about. 在还没铺就绳子之前

 如果你往下看 You know, when you look down before you see the rope, 你都没法弄清它到底有多深 you can"t get a sense of how far it is. 绳索消失在无底的黑暗中 But when you see the rope disappearing down

 只能看到岩石上的那些保护点 and you can see your protection clip on the rock

 埃兰正在往上爬 and you can see Alan away down there, 这时你会觉得 you"re like, "Wow, 如此高度居然都才到第二间距 that"s really far and that"s only the second pitch." 真是个大洞穴 It"s a big hole. 我敢说如果这一段的开始 I reckon if there had been

 有那么一米 a spot in the first part of that pitch 没有落脚点的话 where there was another metre without a hold, 我们就根本爬不上来了 it just wouldn"t be possible at all. 你总能找到落脚点

 这点非常神奇 It"s amazing how it"s just all there. 攀岩就是这样

 总有路可循 Climbing"s often like that, I think. It only just works. -终于搞定了

 -非常好 - There we go. - Nice one. 真的不错

 值得庆贺 Good one. Cers!



 岩壁变化多端 - Good pitch, eh? - Yeah, it was amazing. So varied. 沿途能够经历很多 There was a bit of everything, really -

 底部可以走得很平稳 technical balancey moves at the bottom


 难以想象 and then thrutching and chimneys. Incredible!

 每次往下看都感觉像是无底深渊 And every time I looked down at my feet it was just into the abyss. -真是难以置信


 非常棒 - It was incredible. - I know, it"s great. -往上只剩六米多了吧


 不远了 - It"s only about 20ft to go or something? - Yeah, not far to go. 我都能看到树木了


 I can see the trees and fresh air. 我想马上过了这个裂缝 I"m fancying up this chimney up here. -好


 -阳光下见 - All right, see you at the top, man. - See you in the daylight! 我真的很想赶快爬出这个洞 Looking forward to getting out of this hole, I have to say. 你准备爬着上去吗 Are you going for a grovel and a hovel? 爬着过去 I"m going for a grovel. 信不信由你

 这里有块干燥的着力点 There"s actually a dry hold here, believe it or not. 眼见为实 I"ll believe it when I see it! 蠕动 Squirm! 我一边爬一边自创新技术 I"m inventing a technique as I go. 你的新技术是什么 What"s your new technique? 就像一直倒着爬的毛毛虫 It"s like the backwards caterpillar. 倒爬的毛毛虫

 好吧 The backwards caterpillar? Okay. -见到日光了

 -真棒 - Oh, I can see daylight. - Excellent.


 -真是个好消息 - I"m out of here. - Good news. 太爽了 Brilliant. 戴夫和埃兰完成了叮当壶穴的首登 Dave and Alan have put up the first climbing route in Jingling Pot. 攀爬者通常会给他们的路线评级 Climbers give all of their routes a grade. 但这一个很难判断 But this one has been almost impossible to define. 最后我们给了个 A3 In the end, we settle for A3, 难度系数非常高 a respectable hard grade.

 更重要的是 More importantly, 他们的成功为那些富有创新精神的后续攀爬者 their achievement is one that could open up 开启了一个全新的世界 a whole new world for enterprising climbers. 阳光

 我们出来了 Daylight. Here we are.

 太美丽了 Superb! -是啊

 -干得好 - Yes! - Well done!


 -没错 - Excellent! - Yeah. 我现在还是不敢相信我们居然爬上来了 I"m just amazed that we actually made it happen... 开始我一直都在怀疑 I was really doubting it at the start. 还有点畏缩不前 I was a bit intimidated to start with. 因为开始那段路太湿 It was so wet though, 实在没办法不担心 you can"t blame us for being worried about it. 这种攀登能够让我们欣赏到那些 It certainly gives you an appreciation 我们原本看不到的风景 of a part of the landscape that we wouldn"t have known, 作为攀岩者 and you think as rock climbers,

 征朋悬崖峭壁固然令人心喜 we would have appreciated a lot of the cliffs and crags we climb on 但攀登洞穴

 还是第一次 have got these caves, we"ve never been in them. 大多数攀岩者都会满足于一次首登 Most climbers would be satisfied with one new first ascent. 但是我们又踏上新的旅程了 But our team now move on. 约克郡崎岖的沼泽地向南 14 公里 90 miles south of the rolling moors of Yorkshire, 是德比郡峰区的深谷

 lie the deep valleys of Derbyshire"s Peak District. 石灰石与奔宁沼泽区的粗砂岩 Here, the limestone of the valleys merge

 构成了深谷中的岩石 with the gritstone of the Pennine Moors. 这些山对于攀爬者来说是个更大的挑战 Within these hills is an even harder challenge. 还有很多问题亟待解决 And a number of problems to solve. 这会儿脑中有很多问题

 最佳路线 There"s a lot of qu...

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