
发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:

  摘 要 为研究不同时期优化结构对烤烟生长和产质量的影响,通过田间小区对比试验,研究不同时期优化烟叶结构对烤烟生长发育和产品质量的影响。结果表明:T3处理有助于促进烟株叶片开展,增加光合作用面积,促进烟株干物质积累;T1处理增加烟叶干鲜比,增强烟株抗逆性;化学成分方面表现为T3处理较好。综合来看,烟株采烤时3片脚叶留烟株不进烤,采收结束时留2片顶叶不进烤,有助于促进烟叶品质的提升。
  关键词 烤烟 ;优化结构 ;生物量 ;烟叶品质
  中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A Doi:10.12008/j.issn.1009-2196.2017.07.004
  Effect of Optimized Leaf Removal Treatment at Different Growing Stages
  on the Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves
  XU Dongsheng1) XU Chensheng2) DONG Weiguang3)
  YANG Longfei1) LIN Shaowu1) LI Jingchao1)
  (1 Jianyang Branch of Nanping Tobacco Company, Jianyang, Fujian 354200;
  2 Nanping Tobacco Company, Nanping, Fujian 353000;
  3 China Tobacco Jiangsu Industrial Co.Ltd, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019)
  Abstract Tobacco plants were treated by removing some of their leaves at different growth stages in a comparative field trial to observe the effect of the treatments on the growth and development of leaves and on the quality of the leaves cured. The results showed that Treatment T3 contributed to the expansion of tobacco leaves, increased the leaf area for photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation of tobacco plant, while Treatment T1 increased the ratio of fresh to dry leaf weight and enhanced plant resistance of tobacco leaves. Treatment T3 showed better chemical composition. Generally, 3 leaves from the bottom of the tobacco plant were not harvested for flue-curing and 2 top leaves were not harvested for flue-curing at the end of harvest stage. This could help improve the quality of tobacco leaves flue-cured.
  Keywords flue-cured tobacco ; optimized structure ; biomass ; quality of tobacco leaves
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 材料
  试验于2016年在福建建阳区崇雒乡崇雒村进行,供试品种为CB-1。供试土壤肥料状况如下:土壤pH 4.88,偏酸性,有机质含量19.19 g/kg,碱解氮76.72 mg/kg,速效磷23.21 mg/kg,速效钾48.15 mg/kg,水溶性氯24.904 mg/kg,交换性钙202.64 mg/kg,交换性镁26.87 mg/kg。
  1.2 方法
  试验共设4个处理,T1:烟株现蕾时打去1片脚叶,具体在烟株30%花蕾伸出托叶5 cm时进行,下部叶开始采收时打去1片顶叶;T2:烟株现蕾时打去2片脚叶,具体在烟株30%花蕾伸出托葉5 cm时进行,下部叶开始采收时打去2片顶叶;T3:烟株采烤时留3片脚叶,采收结束时留2片顶叶不进烤。实际采收叶片数比T1少3片,比T2少1片;T4:对照,不打脚叶,不打顶叶,所有脚叶和顶叶按常规进烤。重复3次,随机区组排列,每个小区种植120株左右。除试验处理不同外,其余田间和烘烤管理参照生产上优质生产烟管理办法。

相关热词搜索:烟叶 时期 优化 品质 结构

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