素质教育议论文800字 谈谈“成功素质教育”的准确翻译

发布时间:2020-02-16 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:

  摘要:成功素质教育是武汉科技大学中南分校率先提出的一种全新的大学教育理念与教育模式。本文针对“成功素质教育”这一词条的英文翻译的由来进行阐述。   关键词:成功素质;成功素质教育;翻译
  中图分类号:G40-012 文献标识码:A
  成功素质教育是我国方兴未艾的素质教育的新突破,是大学人才培养模式的新创造。对于“成功素质教育”这一概念的翻译,却是众说纷纭。有的翻译成“Success-oriented Education”,有的翻译成“Quality Education to Success”,但目前最有争议的是以下两种:
  Character-oriented Education to Success(以开发个性为主导通往成功的教育)
  Qualities-oriented Education to Success(以培养能力为主导通往成功的教育)
  从上述两种有争议的译文,我们可以看出就是“Qualities” 和“Character”哪个更能合适体现和表达“成功素质”中“素质”这一概念。所谓素质,是人的以先天遗传为基础的、最初以潜质形式存在的、经后天开发内化而成的基本品质,这种品质影响或决定着人的言行,言行是素质的外在表现。[1]那么,首先我们来看看这两个英文词条的基本定义及相关例句。
  1. the degree to which something is excellent; standard of goodness 质,质量
  2. something such as courage, intelligence, or loyalty that people may have as part of their character品德,品性
  3. a thing that is part of a person"s character, especially sth? good(尤指好的)人品,素质,品德
  如果将“素质教育”翻译成quality education或者quality-oriented education,那么quality很多人会认为是指“高质量的教育”,某些网站还将quality education翻译为“优质教育”。英语中有大量“形容词+quality+名词”的用法,例如 poor quality service,high quality assurance等等,同时用“quality of+名词”表示“高质量的某种东西”的情况也很多,最常见的例子是The quality of the service here has improved a lot,译为:这里的服务质量有很大改善。因此,quality education或者 quality-oriented education都只能指“高质量的教育”。
  然而,quality 一词如果用作复数名词qualities,或者放在 personal quality 这个词组中,也可指人的具体的素质表现,例如:
  1. She shows qualities of leadership[2].
  2. You need personal qualities to work as a nurse[2].
  3.As a commander of Aviation Company, flight dispatching teacher has to possess extreme comprehensive qualities and professional competency[3].
  4. The Man without Qualities (Robert Musil,1933) is a novel in three books by the Austrian novelist and essayist Robert Musil.
  5. A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion[4].
  1.(usually singular) all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others(人和集体的)个性,气质,性格
  2. the way that sth? is ,or a particular quality or feature that a thing, an event or a place has(事物、事件或地方的)特点、特征和特色
  3.(approving)strong personal qualities such as the ability to deal with difficult or dangerous situations.勇气、毅力
  1. Experts attributed this to the young seamen"s lack of character and mental strength[6].
  2. The ideological and political education of young students" character is to improve their notion, creativity and practice to perfect the education aim and strengthen their social responsibility.
  3. China contemporary city view appearance loses its character, style and features gradually and seriously under the influence of Europe[8].
  4. A bustling business centre, it retains its Chinese character in every corner and section of the city[9].
  5. Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character blessed is he who ACTS the Columbus to his own soul[10].
  对比以上Quality和Character,我们不难看出,从定义上讲,Quality refers to a thing that is part of a person"s character, especially something Good.( 品质、才能,是个性的一部分);然而,Character refers to all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others(所有的品质、才能,这些总和才构成了个性)。不难看出,使用Character,更能体现出武汉科技大学中南分校首创的成功素质教育的科学性和全面性。
  综上所述,为了更好体现成功素质教育的科学性和独创性,笔者认为将成功素质教育译成Character-oriented Education to Success,成功素质译为Success-oriented Character更为合适。
  [1]赵作斌. 大学成功素质教育理论与实践[M]. 武汉: 武汉大学出版社, 2009.
  [2]朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英,英汉双解) [M]. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2002.
  [5]牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第六版) [M]. 伦敦: 牛津大学出版社, 北京: 商务印书馆, 2004.
  [7]于秋佳, 于秋波. 思想政治教育与青年学生个性培养刍议[J]. 山西科技, 2007(1).
  [8]William Damon,ed?Bringing in a New Era in Character Education[M].Stanford,CA:Hoover Institution Press,2002.
  [10]Lickona,T.“Beooming A School of Character” in High School Magazine Vol?5, Fall, 1994;

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