庭院深深胡同里 庭院深深

发布时间:2020-03-11 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:

  胡同与四合院是北方城市建筑中的“夫妻配”,也可以说是“黄金搭档”,可谓相互依存、相互分割、有机结合。济南也不例外。   济南的四合院既与北京相似,又有所差别,有着属于自己的风格和建筑语言。由于老城依山靠水,且城内泉水众多,济南老城的建筑布局与建筑形式刚柔并济,南北兼得。既有北国建筑的深厚淳朴,又具江南水乡的轻巧灵秀。传统民居多采用典型的四合院布局,青砖或土坯或石砌墙,灰瓦花脊,多以一进院为主,而殷实富户或达官显贵则拥有二进或多进院落。门楼、影壁、建筑雕刻和庭院绿植是四合院建筑中不可或缺的构件。门楼往往是四合院中的一大亮点。它的整体形象、造型尺度都标志着院子主人的身份、社会地位、富裕程度和审美取向。一般而言,平民百姓家的门楼狭小低矮,而达官显贵家的门楼高阔宏大。影壁即古代所谓的萧墙,是四合院中最富装饰的地方。影壁与门楼相呼应,形成一个相辅相成的整体,使院子增加了几分安全感,不至于院门开启时一览无余。济南的影壁大多与厢房的山墙相结合,既依附于山墙,又突出于山墙。精美的雕刻,包括砖雕、木雕和石雕,多见于高质量的四合院的门楼、门罩、影壁、厅堂墙饰等处。雕刻内容以琴棋书画、花草瑞兽为主。特别值得一提的是,荷花形象在济南四合院雕刻中非常多见,体现了济南浓郁的地方特色。人们早就形成在四合院里种树养花的习惯,石榴树在济南民居中最为多见,几乎每家院子都种石榴树,反映了旧时人们“多子多福”的生活愿望。而四合院的大树中,梧桐最为多见,俗话说:“没有梧桐树,引不来金凤凰”,这恐怕是院子的主人对于娶妻生子、阖家幸福的另一种寄托吧。
  The alley and quadrangle courtyard are a couple, which also can be called “golden partner” in northern urban buildings. They are interdependent, divided by each other and organically integrated. Jinan is not an exception.
  The quadrangle courtyard of Jinan is similar to but different from that of Beijing. It has its own architectural style. The old city area has waters and mountains and a lot of springs inside it. For this reason, the architectural layouts and forms of old Jinan city are balanced with hardness and softness, combining the features of south and north, so that it possesses the simplicity of north China and exquisiteness of south china. The traditional residential houses adopt the classical layout of quadrangle courtyards, featuring blue bricks, sun-dried mud bricks, stone-made walls and grey tiles and beautifully shaped ridges; the courtyards are mainly single-yards, while rich people or dignified officials usually have two or more.
  The gatehouse, screen wall, architectural sculpture and green plants in courtyards are indispensable components of a quadrangle courtyard building. The gatehouse is usually a bright spot for its whole image and appearance symbolizes the host’s position, social status, affluence, and aesthetic tendency. Generally speaking, the gatehouses for common people are low and narrow while that for rich people are high and magnificent. The screen wall is the so called Xiao Qiang in ancient times that was also the most decorated place in the whole quadrangle courtyard. Coordinated with each other, the screen wall and the gatehouse form an interdependent integration, adding a sense of security to some degree through avoiding the commanding view at first glance.
  The screen walls of Jinan are mostly combined with the head walls of the wing-houses, dependent on the headwall yet standing out from it. Exquisite carvings on brick, wood or stone, are mostly seen in high-level gatehouses, door covers and screen walls and hall wall decorations. The sculptures are mainly lute-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting as well as flowers, grass and animals. One thing that deserves mention is that the lotus image is commonly seen in the sculptures of quadrangle courtyards, which embodies the strong local flavor of Jinan. People have long been adjusted to planting trees and flowers in their courtyards. And pomegranate trees are commonly seen in Jinan residential houses. Nearly every courtyard is planted with pomegranate trees, bearing the wish of ancient people to have more sons and more blessings. And, of the big trees in the quadrangle courtyards, the most commonly seen are phoenix trees. As the saying goes, “golden phoenix will not be attracted to live in without phoenix tree.” This may bear the hope of of the owners of having a wife and children and being happy forever.
  In the past, the quadrangle courtyards were mostly in the form of “one yard for one family”, that is the so-called “single yard - single family”. Afterwards, the courtyards have become the places for mixed living, and the population has become dense subsequently. However, residents being used to living in the courtyards feel comfortable and natural: the courtyard becomes a warm nest if the door is closed. Old or young from several families live in harmony and happiness, just as living a hermit life. The drastic changes in cities have nothing to do with them, who still live a life that is simple, harmonious, steady, slow and a bit lazy.

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